Executive Growth Alliance

Rapidly changing customer needs, global uncertainty, accelerating digitalization require new leadership approaches, perspectives and commitment. Through Next Step’s global EGA community, Open Committed Brave leaders collaborate to prepare for the future.

Using proven peer learning methodology, they address common challenges and co-create new opportunities. Their companies achieve:

  • Increased return on innovation investments
  • Faster time to market for new solutions
  • Leadership confidence, culture change, experience
  • Improved decision making, productivity, prioritization
  • Co-creation of new services and revenue streams
  • Shift in organizational culture and measurement
  • Enhanced competitiveness, customer loyalty and profitability

Membership in the Executive Growth Alliance provides innovative business leaders with:

  • Perspectives of global leaders with similar challenges
  • Support and accountability partners to accelerate change
  • Co-creation opportunities through which members collaborate to create new solutions and revenue streams
  • Proven best practices and real world assistance solving Specific Actionable Challenges in their own business.

Executive Growth Alliance Membership is by invitation only. If interested please see more on ExecutiveGrowthAlliance.com or contact us for more information.

In the Words of Members:

“When I look back over the past year I am amazed at how much I have gained and learned through my work in EGA – way beyond my expectations.”
– Jonas Norman, VP Schneider Electric

“EGA membership gives me an opportunity to work on my challenges, a voice and a reason to take action – much more valuable than a networking group, education program or seminars.”
– Matt Watson, Snr. Director, Rystad Energy

“By working with real world challenges instead of text book theory, we have learned how to explore, take measured risks and really experience innovation.”
– Jons Sims, CCO Merck

“I  would never have made the progress I have made toward development of long term view of business / applying strategic thinking to my business without my work with peers in EGA.”
– Stuart May, VP Ashland