Successful innovation requires agility to address changing customer needs and competitive threats; Creativity to design new solutions to future problems and empowerment of team members – to adapt, fail and take a different approach.   In fact corporate innovation is an art and a science. Executed well it is beautiful.

In fulfilling their mission to invoke  the imagination, provoke the senses and evoke the emotions of people around the world, Cirque du Soliel also demonstrates the key elements of corporate innovation:

In each of their 19 shows offered in 270 countries, Cirque du Soliel demonstrates the keys to successful innovation:

  •  Art and science combined with precision in execution
  •  Creativity in design, approach, depiction of situations
  •  Team member empowerment to adjust the act to maximize team safety
  • Team work / true symbiotic dependence for success
  • Incorporation of the past into the present (notice of music in Volta)
  •  End to end customer experience (from ordering tickets to entry, concessions, facility etc)

Like Cirque du Soliel, innovation in a business environment is an art and a science, requiring agility, creativity, empowerment, teamwork, leverage of past assets and great customer experience.  Is your organization ready to perform well on a global stage?