General E-Mail Writing Guidelines

Practice Good Etiquette Reduce long threads of forwards Summarize threads forconvenience and to improve understanding Copy only those to whom the e-mail is relevant Clearly identify why the recipient is receiving the e-mail and what you would like them to do. Write clear, [...]

Building Organizational Capacity through Accountability

In today’s world, many leaders struggle to understand what accountability really means: is it simply holding people responsible for their defined obligations - or is it something more? Your understanding of accountability determines your response when a crisis strikes and a project is [...]

Gaining Productivity in a Multi-Generational Workforce

Since 2008, Next Step has provided consulting and advisory services to client companies with multi-generational workforces–managers and employees ranging in age from 19 to 92 enabling clients to achieve greater cohesion and productivity across the generations All leaders and employees must become familiar [...]

How Training Can Deliver Powerful Business Results

According to studies by the Aberdeen Group, the Harvard Business Review, and the Human Capital Institute, successful companies achieve better business results than industry peers, because they invest in training their employees. But there is training… and there is training that delivers powerful [...]