Planning and Candidate Identification

  1. Identify the need for an additional employee
  2. Clearly list all deliverables and accountabilities that the ideal employee in the role would fill
  3. Discuss with ALL responsible parties the timeframe requirements for the hiring process
  4. Decide collectively on the compensation that will be offered
  5. Write out the job description matching the role and experience required for the role
  6. Determine the appropriate marketing channels to promote the open position
  7. Leverage email or phone screening to rank potential candidates using a spreadsheet or other tool
  8. Identify the best potential candidates that fit the job requirements
  9. Invite the best potential candidates to have an introductory phone call
  10. Filter out the best candidates from the phone conversations based on the job requirements
  11. Invite the best candidates in for your in-person interviews

The Interview and Selection Process

  1. Define interview process including consistent tracking of both positive and negative attributes
  2. Schedule and conduct first interviews
  3. Review interview outcomes with all involved parties; coordinate second interviews
  4. Review candidates to see if there are two or three that should move into the “finals”
  5. Conduct objective style and/or skill assessments on-line to final candidates
  6. Review assessment results 7.Conduct reference checks
  7. Assign 90-day written Action Plan exercise to final candidates
  8. Review 90-day written Action Plans and review reference checks
  9. Negotiate offer
  10. Onboard great new hire