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So far Admin has created 20 blog entries.

Digitalization – Is Your Business Ready?

Through effective use and leverage of technology, service-based business models and enhanced customer experience, organizations such as Adobe, Daimler Benz, Hilton and Schibsted Finn have achieved growth in revenue, profit and market valuation. Across all industries, digital capabilities, along with new market dynamics [...]

Digitalization – The Next Step to Success

“Those who don’t change will become extinct”. In 2015, IDC predicted that 30%of the top companies in any industry would be overtaken by a new competitor by 2017. Reality shows this was a conservative view. With rapid time to market for new offerings, [...]

Venture Capital: The Dream or Curse?

To many entrepreneurs, a key milestone on the path of success is attracting and securing venture funding. An even greater aspiration is funding from a US investor. However, if you really want to build a lasting, high-value company, venture capital might actually be [...]

Building an Innovation Culture – Silicon Valley Style

Innovation is one of the most critical contributors to national and global growth. Achievement of sustained success in areas such as Silicon Valley can be attributed to many factors leading to an Innovation Culture. Initially, (1960-70’s) Silicon Valley grew through government investment (in [...]

Travel Value Network of the Future: Role of Digitalization

Capturing the Lucrative Traveler’s Loyalty: Role of Digitalization Like all industries, the world of travel is evolving rapidly through technological innovation and changing consumer demographics. As many studies* have shown, the lucrative tourists of the future are middle-class residents of USA, Central Europe, [...]

You have a Patent: So What?

For many global entrepreneurs, patents may be viewed as an important part of Intellectual Property and of great value to the entrepreneur. In the Nordic, we have heard that a patent ‘ensures a 20-year monopoly’. However, in Silicon Valley, a patent is simply [...]

2020 Vision – Digitalization for Successful Future

Welcome to the global economy, characterized by rapid, disruptive changeand accelerating adoption of new technologies. Are you and your organization positioned to remain competitive in the face of these fundamental transformations? And are you well-prepared with a strategy to proactively address tomorrow’s challenges? [...]

Digitalization: From Product Vendor to Service Provider

Successful Business Transformation to the Cloud Companies in virtually every industry can deliver unprecedented value to their customers through new technologies. By embracing the power and ubiquity of digitalization, organizations can transform from product vendors to service providers with strong customer loyalty, sustainable [...]