
Next Step Blog

Deliver Customer Value to Build Loyalty


Increasing global competition, ubiquitous access to a plethora of choices, personalized marketing and new consumer buying habits are making customer loyalty more critical and difficult for all organizations. The key to [...]

Stop Talking Start Innovating


Stop talking, start innovating Achieving Success Silicon Valley Style Talk about innovation is everywhere – in board rooms, conferences, employee meetings and university classes. In 2019, it is estimated that billions [...]

Where are the unicorns? 


There are 309 private companies around the world valued at $1B+ as of 1/18/2019. Collectively these companies are worth as much as $1,085B and have raised a combined total of nearly $261B. Last year, 111 [...]

Embrace Change for Success in 2109


New year is time to embrace change. Todays rapid growth in AI, compute power, ubiquity of IOT combined with changing customer behavior will disrupt all traditional businesses. Now is the time [...]